Monday, April 6, 2009

A Simple Dinner for Five

It has been months since I last cooked a complete meal. Now that the house is ready, it's time to unpack the wok and cook up a storm. Not exactly....
It's not easy to pick up the pace after a long time away. For me, this applies to everything in life, including cooking. I need to be inspired, and inspired I did.  This weekend, I tried cooking something based mostly on imagination and a little on past experiences. Yup, first-time dishes and with no recipe, I whipped up a light dinner for five. 
Briyani-styled Rice
Fish curry with assorted vegetables
Beef Rendang
Stewed Pork Ribs with Bitter Gourd
As always, I enjoyed setting up the table. Nothing elaborate as it was a casual dinner for family members. A good presentation helps to wet one's appetite. 

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