Thursday, June 25, 2009

Birthday Dinner at Home

Time flies. I can't believe how quickly it came and went. This is my second entry on the topic of my birthday celebration. So, I knew it has been a year since I started blogging. Given the current economy, we decided on a home celebration, and since it was my birthday, I was not to lift a finger. Yan did all the grocery planning and shopping, cooking and washing. After all, it was meant to be a treat for me. I must admit that I was a little stressed out watching him do his things in the kitchen. Precision and timing don't feature often in my cooking vocabulary, yet Yan, an engineer by profession, is exactly that type of cook. "Two minutes on each side of the steak", I heard him murmuring to himself.  I smiled and walked away.
He did impressed me in the end. The steak was cooked to perfection, with the right thickness and medium well.
He used some of my pesto sauce to prepare spaghetti mushroom as a main course for his mother, who's a vegetarian.
He baked a dozen escargot for a few minutes in the oven, which added an element of sophistication to the menu for the night.
And since I wasn't allowed to meddle in the cooking, I volunteered to set up the table in my favourite apple green and white theme.  

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