Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love Nest, literally!

It has been barely 2 months old, and it looks like our neighbourhood birds are already making themselves comfortable at our home. I'm hoping it's the good fengshui that's attracting the nature. First, there was the bumble bee trying to tunnel through my new wooden kerosene lamp in the garden, leaving a permanent coin-sized imprint on the wood. Next came a green-feathered bird happily building its nest on our backyard bamboos. And now a small bird who's finding our bonsai tree a haven for its newborn. She's weaving a nest from twigs, pellets, and just about anything found from the surrounding area that could hold the nest together. It's humbling to see how hard the bird has been working (flying in and out, and weaving non-stop for 2 days now). The choice of location could not have been more conspicuous - the nest hangs precariously on the bonsai tree right in front of our main entrance, along the walking path and within reach by hand. The prospect of destruction by human or nature does not seem to be a deterrent at all. Mother nature is awesome!
Bird landing on its newly built nest
Bird starting to weave
Bird trying out its nest
Bird resting at night after a hard day's work
P.S. I just found out from a website maintained by a group of bird watchers in Singapore that the little bird is a female olive-back sunbird. She's probably incubating her eggs in her new nest attached to our bonsai. I'll try to see if I could catch a glimpse of the eggs.

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